Make sure you explain the various security procedures. My daughter was only two when we traveled from Minnesota to Atlanta Georgia. On the return flight home our entire family was randomly chosen for search and she was absolutely terrified when we were all separated and searched. We made it through okay by my constantly talking to her throughout the process even though I was not allowed to go to her and touch her or help her out. Still, it would have helped a lot if we had practiced the procedure at home a few times before we left on the trip.
In fact, it will help if you role play the entire flight process. Pretend to drive to the airport, check your baggage, take off your shoes and put them on a pretend "moving belt", then line up your kitchen chairs in the living room and play boarding the airplane, buckling your seatbelts and then bouncing around on the airplane. Someone can even play steward and serve beverages! What a fun way to spend some time together and education the kids all at the same time.
Here are some good books to try reading with your child:
1 comment:
You can make travel even easier...
As a 20 year Flight Attendant,I just want to share a few more tips.
As far as child seats or restraint systems are concerned, your child is not safe without one. A seatbelt is designed to protect a child of 5 years of age and up, or a person who could properly protect themselves in the event of an emergency by bracing themselves.
There is now a specially designed childs seatbelt that weighs only one pound and will protect your child in any type of turbulance or emergency.
It is CARES, a child aviation restraint system recently approved by the FAA. It is a product that a parent should never be without.
No more need to carry heavy car seats!
For additional information see
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